Compliance and Reporting

The Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division (FFCR) oversees activities to determine whether organizations are in compliance. FFCR is a division of the Department of Grant Compliance and Administration (GCA).

COVID-19 and Federal Grant Funds

Visit the Department of Grant Compliance and Administration for information on the federal grants authorized in response to COVID-19.

FFCR Duties

Federal grant programs include fiscal requirements to ensure that grant recipients spend funds in the manner specified by the grant program. If your organization receives funds from federal grant programs, you must adhere to these fiscal requirements.

In addition to compliance activities, the division also assigns indirect cost rates, and prepares reports on federal funding.

Refer to the division links listed below for more information on these activities.

Post Award Compliance
Contact Information

Federal Fiscal Compliance and ReportingDivision

Phone: (512) 463-9127
